• Do you need to reduce operating business costs?

    Elkera will expertly help you identify business process improvements to reduce costs.

  • Do you need to streamline service or product delivery processes?

    Elkera will expertly guide you through all analysis and process improvement planning.

  • Do you need to define requirements for new software?

    Elkera will expertly guide you through process analysis and requirements planning.

Optimise and automate business processes to reduce costs and improve service

Is your business under pressure to deliver more at lesser cost? If so, what is being done about it?

A critical step is to ensure that business processes are optimised for maximum productivity. Doing so is not a one-off activity. Regular reviews are necessary to adapt to changing circumstances. Small and medium enterprises are at a particular disadvantage in this area. Often they do not have business analysts and project managers on staff.

Simply cutting personnel may appear to reduce costs, but it may not be sustainable. Without process optimisation, personnel cuts may lead to degraded service,  personnel burnout, loss of skilled personnel, process errors and dissatisfied customers. There may be long term damage to the business.

The first step to improve productivity is to thoroughly analyse business processes and workflows to identify waste and lost opportunities. From that foundation it is possible to plan improvements through waste reduction, new approaches and automation. Before automating processes with new software tools, old processes and workflows must be reviewed and optimised to take full advantage of the capabilities that software systems provide.

Elkera specialises in serving small and medium enterprises, particular those in knowledge based industries. Elkera will help you level the playing field with larger enterprises. We will fully understand your business and provide practical and creative assistance to set your business on the path to improved productivity and cost reduction.

Elkera will work with you to:

  • assess your specific business needs
  • plan a program of works based on your needs
  • identify and document all relevant business processes and workflows
  • identify wasteful processes and opportunities for process improvement and automation
  • propose an optimal alignment of organisational structure with business functions
  • develop an effective change plan
  • determine and document software requirements for new systems.

Elkera has more than 20 years of experience working with organisations to analyse business processes, plan process improvements, and elicit and document software requirements for effective process automation.

Elkera is completely independent from product or other service providers. We do not promote specific products or technologies. We focus solely on your business success.

As specialists working with small and medium enterprises, we will carefully tailor our analytical approach to your specific business needs so that your investment in process improvement will deliver real business value.

With Elkera’s expert help, you will plan effective process improvement and automation for sustainable improvements to your business.

Please follow the links below to detailed service descriptions, or book an appointment for a free, introductory consultation.

Take the first step to improving your business performance

To get started, Elkera offers a free, 30-minute online consultation with our principal consultant during which Elkera can begin to understand your needs and you can establish how Elkera can help.

After the first online consultation, Elkera may offer a free, half day consultation, on-site in Sydney or online, with your project team to gather sufficient information to enable Elkera to provide an initial solution proposal. Each solution proposal is carefully tailored to your specific needs.

Elkera’s approach to delivery of its services is described on our Way of Working page.

Take the first step and schedule a free, 30-minute consultation with Elkera’s principal consultant.


    Business process analysis and improvement

    Software Requirements Planning

    Business Consulting

    Why Choose Us


    Elkera consultants are completely independent from any potential solution suppliers. We do not promote specific products or technologies.


    Elkera’s principal consultant has more than 20 years of experience working with clients to analyse business processes, plan improvements and automation strategies, and develop software requirements. We always deliver high quality work that sets our clients on the path to streamlined strategies that reduce business costs.


    We specialise in serving small and medium enterprises. We carefully tailor our planning approach to your specific needs. We provide a low risk, incremental planning process with fixed-price proposals.

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