Business Process Analysis & Improvement

Is your organisation affected by these problems:

  • Do you need to reduce operational costs?
  • Are customers reporting problems with product or service delivery?
  • Have you reduced personnel numbers, only to find that important tasks are falling through the cracks, or remaining staff are overloaded and burned out?
  • Are you using outdated software that is not fit for purpose or is no longer supported?
  • Are there problems with communications and collaborations between business units?
  • Are there undocumented processes that make it hard to train new personnel?
  • Are you overly dependent on a few ‘gurus’ who carry everything in their heads?
  • Do you sense that personnel are spending too much time on email or in unproductive meetings?

Solving these problems requires a thorough understanding of the root causes. Getting to the root cause requires a thorough analysis of business functions and processes to identify wasteful processes and opportunities for improvement. Solutions usually require redefining workflows, automation using software tools and efficient process documentation.

Elkera provides expert project management and business analysis services to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) review their business processes and workflows and make improvements to achieve sustainable cost reductions while also improving the overall work environment.

The pressures to reduce operational costs

Small and medium businesses (SMEs) are under constant pressure to find ways to reduce operational costs. Contributing factors include fierce competition, rapid technological change, supply chain disruption leading to increased input costs, wage pressures and reduced government support for many in the not for profit sector.

Simply cutting personnel is rarely a sustainable way to cut costs. More likely, it will lead to staff burnout, loss of valuable personnel, broken workflows and dissatisfied customers.

Why review business processes and workflows?

Sustainable cost reduction requires a thorough review of processes and workflows to remove waste and make effective use of software automation. Only in this way, business functions can be achieved with the lowest personnel cost. At the same time it is essential to improve processes in a way that provides a rewarding environment for personnel.

Common business process problems include:

  • Existing business processes may be poorly defined and completely undocumented.
  • Processes may be undertaken manually using decentralised file based systems in documents and spreadsheets.
  • Information may not be conveniently accessible to those who need it.
  • Staff may be overly distracted by email or messaging tools.
  • Stored information may not be aligned to business needs, up to date or trustworthy.
  • Collaborations between work units may be frustrated by siloed systems and attitudes.

Often, it is very difficult for managers to analyse the root causes of these problems and to propose solutions alone. Busy managers may be tempted to take a piecemeal approach without addressing the underlying problems. It is common for important stakeholders to be overlooked.

Sustainable cost reduction requires a top-down analysis of relevant business processes by persons with the necessary skills. It requires that all relevant stakeholders are identified and fairly consulted.

How Elkera can help

Elkera will help you define and document all relevant business processes, identify waste and plan improvements, including through process automation using improved software tools. Elkera can guide you all the way from initial problem analysis to the definition of software requirements and then procurement.

Elkera will help your business to sustainably reduce operational costs or deliver greater value to customers with existing resources.

Elkera’s expertise

Elkera’s principal consultant is an experienced business manager, business analyst and certified project manager (PMP) with more than 20 years of experience helping clients to improve and automate complex business processes and workflows.

Elkera’s principal consultant has the experience to quickly and fully understand your business, to engage with stakeholders at all levels, to analyse and document complex business processes, and to propose improvements that reduce waste and open up new opportunities.

Elkera’s consultant has extensive experience developing complex software requirements to support new procurements or software development projects.

Elkera’s principal consultant is experienced working with agile and traditional (waterfall) projects.

Elkera specialises in serving SMEs. We tailor our services to meet your needs, based on the size and complexity of your project.

With Elkera, you can be confident that your investment will minimise project risks and set your business on the path to sustainable improvement.

The Benefits of Elkera’s Expert Consultant

The benefits you will obtain from engaging Elkera’s expert consultant include:

  • Business understanding

    Based on extensive business experience, we will efficiently understand your business and the issues that must be addressed.

  • Stakeholder analysis

    We will ensure that all relevant stakeholders are identified and consulted. Elkera’s consultant can collaborate effectively with stakeholders at all levels.

  • Business process Analysis

    Elkera will thoroughly and accurately define and analyse existing business processes to identify waste and opportunities for improvement.

  • Creative, business focussed solutions

    Elkera’s experience enables us to propose practical and creative solutions that solve real business problems.

  • Effective documentation

    Elkera will develop efficient and clear diagrammatic and narrative documentation. Only necessary documentation is produced.

  • Agile work approach

    Elkera adopts an agile approach to all projects that ensures regular work delivery within the planned time and budget.

  • Maximum business benefits

    Elkera’s experience and delivery framework ensures that your project will provide maximum benefits with the least risk.