Improve and Automate Business Processes

Is your business a small and medium enterprise (SME) that needs to reduce operational costs or is affected by any of the issues described on the Elkera home page?

All too often, business restructuring takes place without really understanding the real sources of excess costs and the actual steps required to sustainably reduce them. The solution requires a structured approach to business process improvement.

Elkera helps small and medium enterprises (SMEs) improve and automate business processes to drive increased productivity, reduce operational costs and enhance customer service.

This page describes why it is necessary to take an expert driven, structured approach to business process improvement and why Elkera is the expert to assist your business.

Effective business processes improvement requires expert guidance

Why you need a structured approach to support business process improvement

As a business grows and becomes more complex, there is an increase in business functions and personnel. Over time, senior managers may lose sight of the detail involved in performing many business functions, particularly in areas for which they are not directly responsible. Often, there comes a time when no one person really knows how the business, or important parts of it, work. Managers of one work area may seriously underestimate the issues faced by personnel with whom they must collaborate in other areas.

If an attempt is made to restructure the business or make changes without a thorough analysis and understanding of the issues, the results may not be as expected. Meaningful and sustainable cost reductions may not be achieved. Worse, steps may be taken that actually damage the business and waste scarce capital.

The problems with not using a structured approach to business process improvement

Restructuring a business without undertaking a thorough business process improvement process is likely to lead to many problems, including:

  1. Reducing personnel through redundancies or other means, only to find that many of the former roles were needed after all and there has been a serious loss of knowledge, expertise and business efficiency, as described in our Blog article: Business productivity and cost cutting: Why slashing staff might not be a quick fix.
  2. Loading up existing personnel with more and more tasks without proper regard to their sustainable capacities.
  3. Creating or persisting with sub-optimal organisational structures that do not facilitate effective workflows.
  4. Acquiring or attempting to acquire software systems without really understanding the business and stakeholder needs, or the actual value that the software will provide.

Problems 1, 2 and 3 may lead to degraded service, loss of customers and other problems. The re-allocation of business functions to remaining personnel in an environment of frustrations and disillusionment, may be a major contributor to staff burnout. Staff burnout is recognised as a serious occupational phenomenon (See: WHO item Burn-out an “occupational phenomenon”: International Classification of Diseases). In the US it is estimated by Gallup that at least 28% of employees feel burned out at work, as at August 2024 (See: How to Prevent Employee Burnout). It is likely that similar figures will apply in Australia.

Problem 4 often leads to financial waste and widespread disillusionment among staff. It is widely accepted that 50% or more of software projects fall significantly short of their expectations and many fail completely (See evidence gathered by the Standish Group and summarised in an article by Jorge Domingues at ProjectSmart UK: The Curious Case of the CHAOS Report 2009).

Why you need an expert business analysis consultant

Often, it is very difficult for managers to analyse the root causes of business process problems and to propose solutions. Busy managers may jump to pre-conceived solution ideas or take a piecemeal approach without addressing the underlying problems. It is common for important stakeholders to be overlooked. The result is a failure to achieve the desired results and wasted investment.

Achieving sustainable cost reductions requires a top-down analysis of relevant business functions and processes by persons with the necessary skills. It requires that all relevant stakeholders are identified and fairly consulted. It requires a thorough business case to support capital expenditure.

How Elkera can help

Elkera provides a structured approach to business process analysis and improvement. Elkera will help you define and document all relevant business functions and processes, identify waste and plan improvements, including through process automation using improved software tools. Elkera can guide you all the way from initial problem analysis to the definition of software requirements and then procurement.

Elkera will help your business to sustainably reduce operational costs and improve business productivity.

Elkera’s expertise

Elkera’s principal consultant is an experienced business manager, business analyst and certified project manager (PMP) with more than 20 years of experience helping clients to improve and automate complex business processes and workflows.

Elkera’s principal consultant has the experience to quickly and fully understand your business, to engage with stakeholders at all levels, to analyse and document complex business processes, and to propose improvements that reduce waste and open up new opportunities.

Elkera’s business analysis consultant has extensive experience developing complex software requirements to support new procurements or software development projects.

Elkera specialises in serving SMEs. We tailor our services to meet your needs, based on the size and complexity of your project.

With Elkera, you can be confident that your investment will minimise project risks and set your business on the path to sustainable business process improvement.

Business value

Under Elkera’s way of working, Elkera’s consultant is always able to demonstrate the business value of our services. After an initial process to understand your needs, we ensure that your investment in our services will generate true value for your business. For more information, see: Elkera’s Structured Approach for Business Process Improvement Projects.

The Benefits of Elkera’s Expert Consultant

The benefits you will obtain from engaging Elkera’s expert consultant include:

  • Business understanding

    Based on extensive business experience, we will efficiently understand your business and the issues that must be addressed.

  • Stakeholder analysis

    We will ensure that all relevant stakeholders are identified and consulted. Elkera’s consultant can collaborate effectively with stakeholders at all levels.

  • Business process Analysis

    Elkera will thoroughly and accurately define and analyse existing business processes to identify waste and opportunities for improvement.

  • Creative, business focussed solutions

    Elkera’s experience enables us to propose practical and creative solutions that solve real business problems.

  • Effective documentation

    Elkera will develop efficient and clear diagrammatic and narrative documentation. Only necessary documentation is produced.

  • Agile work approach

    Elkera adopts an agile approach to all projects that ensures regular work delivery within the planned time and budget.

  • Maximum business benefits

    Elkera’s experience and delivery framework ensures that your project will provide maximum benefits with the least risk.